Friday 22 May 2015

First Post in 2 Years! (Almost Identical To Last Post)

I don't know why I haven't posted more often. I've got plenty of photos to put up but never seem to make the time. Perhaps I'll try to post some photos from the last two years (!).

For now, I was at Point Pelee a couple of weeks ago for spring migration. It was a little slow but there were still birds to be found. Saturday ended up being a good day. We managed 26 warbler species, including Kirkland's, on the day and a well-lost Pacific Loon.  Due to many of the birds being up in the trees or just generally avoiding my camera lens, I only have a few photos but I was pretty happy with a few of them.

 A Red-tailed Hawk near the tram loop.

Ubiquitous White-crowned Sparrow.

A Hooded Warbler in low light. Not a great photo but a great-looking bird.

The American Bittern is a bird that I've rarely had a good look at. This one was particularly obliging. It stayed out in the open for a long time.

For a short period there were waves of warblers coming in off of the lake at the same time as similar waves moving south in a reverse migration movement. They were all hanging around in low tree and shrub cover. Here's a Blackburnian Warbler.

The tastiest of the birds I saw over the weekend.

Easily the most common warbler of the weekend was the Yellow Warbler. They are a bit of a dirt bird in the summertime around here but, at the same time, a really nice-looking dirt bird.

This is a lousy photo but a great bird. Kirtland's Warbler is a good twitch. This female hung around next to a trail for quite a long time. Low light and constant movement made for a lot of blurry pictures.

We headed to Rondeau for a morning. There wasn't a lot around but the light was very nice. There were a few warblers including this Magnolia Warbler.

Here's to another post in fewer than two years.

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